1. You love a long breakfast
Germans love to enjoy their food, especially when we´re talking about breakfast. It is more than common to spend a few hours behind the table and eat your little sandwich. Mornings (usually only on weekends though) are the time the family comes together and talks about everything that´s been going on. Common breakfasts are really valued in our family, because during the week everyone comes and goes as they wish, and therefore we don´t get to spend that much time having our dinners together.
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what a normal german breakfast looks like |
2. You adore your Bread, Brötchens (buns)
Germans and their bread.... Germans eat at least once a day a bread meal, and sometimes they can go on the whole day eating only bread and their little brötchens. I´m actually even surprised how skinny most germans are, considering how much bread they eat, like damn.
3. You wear your house shoes
Every german houselhold has at least a million pairs of house shoes for family, guests, pets, queens, kings... As soon as you walk into a german home, you´ll be left standing there with a pair of house shoes and you don´t have any choice than to put them on. Okay, it´s not that silly, but you get how serious they are here right? I personally hate house shoes and therefore wear them rarely, heh.
4. It´s normal to have 20 letters in one word
I still don´t understand the logic of adding together 4 or 5 or 6 words together to form a new word, instead of having a short word for it ?
For example : Kühlschrankdeodorant (Fridge deo ?), Handtuchhalterstange (towel rack rod) , Kriegsopferentschädigungsgesetzt (war victims compensation law), Standssicherheitsnachweis (proof of stability),...
5. You´re used to hearing german everywhere you go
At the beginning of my exchange, I was shocked about how little english I was running into. Every single movie is duplicated into german, and all of the fliers and products in the shops are in german. Basically the only english you´ll hear is at school or through tourists, creepy right? But for germans, that´s the only normal way to live.
6. You use the word ´´Scheiße´´ more than you should
Enough said...
7. Sausages are like seventh heaven
Bratwurst, Currywurst, Grillwurst, Weißwurst, Bockwurst... Germans are all about their sausages.
8. You celebrate every possible church fest
It´s okay that most people don´t even know why their celebrating, but everyone´ll be down for a row of days off from school and work for a feast, so as long as it´s a religious reason, it´s okay. :D And germans tend to decorate their houses/ streets all pretty and colourful. :)
9. You´re used to short holidays
German summer holidays are shorter than they should be, and for me it feels like pure hell to be stuck in school in the middle of June, and the worst part is, that school ends only in the beginning of July... And begins again in 6 weeks :(
10. Beer is the thing
Everybody knows that Germany´s the country of good beer, germans especially...Germans drink their beer like crazy, in every occasion whenever they have a chance, beerbeerbeerbeer.
11. You obey the red light in traffic lights
In Estonia nobody really cares if it´s green or red, the rule is, if there´s no cars then you´re allowed to cross. But in Germany, they stick to their rules...
12. Everything that´s made in Germany is amazing
Here comes the patriotic part of germans... They adore their local production, and everything that comes from Germany is on top of their lists. I can´t complain though, German food tastes pretty good.
13. You can´t roll the ´r´
For an Estonian learning german, it´s a huge disaster, ´cause for germans the ´r´ comes deep from their throats, instead we roll it from the tip of our tongues. But when it comes to learning other languages, then germans are the ones having trouble with their pronuncation. But practice makes a champion ;)