Eheh, I haven´t posted in a while again... Meanwhile I was in Herzberg, Dresden, had a re-entry seminar in Magdeburg and had a class trip to Berlin. I´m not really feeling like writing a lot, and since I have so many picutres attached, I´ll just let them speak for themselves :)
There´s been going on a lot in our family lately... For exampple, what I forgot to mention in my post before, is that my hostdad ended up in the hospital because of an illness, and spent a nice 3 weeks there... He finally came home on the day I left to Herzberg, so we didn´t really see each other right after. But he´s been home ever since, so everyday I come from school we get to spend some time together :):) About the other few thinkgs I´ll probably write next time :)
Herzberg 13.-16.05
Soooooo, on one of our long weekends I was again at my Mums in Herzberg. I spent a lot of time babysitting my brother, and on one day we made a little car trip to some villages nearby. On Thursday the 17th was my stepdads birthday, so we had a nice family meal in Nordhausen, and then they all took me to the trainstation :)
my lil´man |
Dresden 21.-25.05
On the next week we had once again a long weekend, and I spent it by Johanna in Dresden. Johanna´s such a kind hearted person and she´ll always make you laugh no matter what ! It also felt really good to be around someone who´s going through the same as you, and with Johanna I can share
anything that´s bothering me, so it was a really great
5 day holiday.
( If any of you have any interest in following how Johannas exchange experience is going, you can check it out here ---
Johannas blog --- )
I don´t really remember what did we do on what day, but we managed to have a little tourist day in Dresden, go hiking on two days, have a sauna day (it felt so great to be in a
real sauna for a change) and fan behind the TV for Estonia in the ESC.
some kind of a sanitation museum-thing in Dresden (btw, the cost of that little part was about 2 Million Euros, if I remember correctly) |
Frauenkirche |
Dresden Kunsthof |
The Opera house of Dresden (?) |
welcome to my garden |
mit Johanna and Tong (China) |
Hiking day part 1 |
doggielove |
ESC 2015 |
Hiking day part 2 (Sächsische Shweiz) |
Johnny the monkey |
Re-Entry Magdeburg 29.-31.05
Since the land group Thüringen is too small, we had our Re-Entry together with Sachsen-Anhalt, which ment we all got together in Magdeburg for a 3 day chill weekend, and talked about going back home and what we´ve learned here... To be honest, I didn´t really realize how close to an end my exchange was, before that weekend, and it kinda made me a bit depressed about how fast the time flew by...
We also had to prepare a little programme for the parents on Sunday, so we decided to do different dances and sing some songs etc... For example we had some traditional dances and some mambo and salsa andandand. During the weekend each of us had to create a few pages about our exchange, with pictures and quotes and whatever we wanted to, and on Sunday each of us got two little copybooks from all the pages (one for us and one for our Hostparenst).
Mitteldeutschland |
you know how hard it is to catch a good picture of a group jump ? |
long hair problems |
´´let´s dance titanic´´ |
Turkish dance |
06.06 we had a little girls pool day by Selina with Helen and Alina.S :)
Berlin 08.-12.06
Last week I was in Berlin with our class and two parallel classes. On Monday we arrived in Berlin already at ca 2 PM, and on that day we only had a little visit to the Bundesrat and a little boat trip around Berlin.
On Tuesday we had some time in the Morning to shop and after that a quided bus trip in Berlin and a Musical in the Evening. During the day we didn´t have any time to have a break at the hotel, which meant that we had to drag our shopping bags with us the whole day, and our group looked like a little ghetto daycare group lost in the musical... I actually enjoyed the musical more than I thought I would, and it left the Theater in a dancing mood.
On Wednesday we visited different museums and in the Evening we had a little tour in the Stasi prison memorial. The Stasi thing really horrified me, because the quide told us so many stories that had happened in the rooms we were standing, and overall in the whole building. Innocent people were put in that hellhole, and they were tortured until the last point, just because they didn´t think like the Stasi and wanted a little bit of freedom in their lives, or just tried to keep contact with their loved ones,
that were on the other side of the wall... The fact that they were
mentally tortured in different ways because of such
pointless reasons, feels so freaky, and just makes me question how mentally ill must a human be, to want such democracy or even want to do that to other people... And not to forget, it´s not even that far away from today, that all of that was still in business and hip. Most of the victims are still alive... It makes me really appreciate what I have and the fact that I´m even able to make my own decisions without ending up in a place worse than prison. For example, we´re able to make a phone call accross the country, or even send mail to people accross the seas, but all of those little normal things were not allowed to everybody back then... I´m really sorry, but the history of Germany is one of the reasons that attracted me to this country in the first place, and I could just argue for hours about this subject, but I don´t think this is the right place/timing for it :D:D:D
On Thursday we visited Potsdam, we had the choice to choose between a film park or a quide tour around Potsdam, and I decided to do the tour... It was a bit boring, but Potsdam is such a beautiful city, so it wasn´t that bad :) Afterwards we went to a beach, and we had to pay to be able to swim
on a beach !?!?! Germans are so weird...
On Friday we packed our things, ate our breakfast and headed back home. Before we could take off, there were some problems with the rooms, for example we ( and 2-3 other rooms ) had some checks for the snackbar, eventhough none of us had eaten anything from there, and we made a little protest for the farewell :D Some of the boys had spilled something in their room and had some other complains, so they had to pay 50 Euros, hah :D
Alina und Helen |
Franzi und Phia |
we went to see the musical ´´ Hintern Horizont´´ , which was about a singer who fell in love with a girl who lived on the other side of the Berlin Wall, and about the problems that came along... |
Berlin is full of those bear statues, so I decided to take a pic with one of them ´cause they might be important |
I have no idea what that is, but it looked cool |
excited kiddos waiting for sealife |
Stasi prison memorial |
Potsdam |
Potsdamer Brandenburger Tor |
welcome to my grib |
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