I really apologize for being lazy, and for not writing anything for a while now... I also kind of regret not taking the time to update my blog, because I can´t remember what happened when and what happened in between etc, so I´ll just write about everything that comes in to my head in a random order :D:D
A few weeks ago we were in Ikea with my hostparents, and for me it was an amazing memory. When I was small we used to go to Ikea with the whole family almost every weekend, and basically all of my favorite childhood memories are somehow connected to Ikea :D And it made me sososososososososo happy to finally go there after all those years !!
When we were small, we had like five of these things, God I miss them ! |
On some day a few weeks ago, we visited granny, and Hilde (the lady with the bell-things I wrote about a loooong time ago), and Hilde showed us her Christmas-bell collection... And it was huge.
Garfield <3 |
On the 25th of January. I had a sleepover at Alisias, and we rosted marshmellows at the fireplace and talked and ate and talked and ate.... The next morning Alisias mom drove us to the trainstation, and there we met then with others. Then we took the train to Weimar for our Freiheit-project-thing, There came 15 students from our schools, and the whole thing was kind of a ´´camp´´-thing at EJBW (Europäische Jugendsbildung- und Jugendbegegnugsstätte Weimar ???) and we had like ´´seminars´´ there about the topic ´Freedom´ and it was actually a lot more interesting than I had expected! The three days went by way too quick, and it was a bit sad to leave :(( Aa and we had some kind of a group project-thing and our group won, and we got a little game and a mini dictionary/study book to learn polish, so that´s really cool :D
Also at home I tried on my Snow White-costume that came on Monday and it´s too small -.- God I was so disappointed and mad at everyone, ´cause I was really looking forward to being Snow White for ´Fasching´, but nope... Now were waiting for some thingies so we can finally send that junkie back -.- . Buuut, I still have my plan B ;);););)...
<3 |
that cute little thing followed us the whole way from the trainstation to EJBW |
!! |
so proud of his piece of art |
Friday (30.01) was the last schoolday of the first half a year, and we got our certifications, AND i GOT ONE TOO OMG !!! I only got a grade on PE (2) and English (1), and the rest were just ´´teilgenommen´´ (attended). I don´t know if any of you remeber, but I wrote once about how much am I participating with the tests etc, and well basically the lazy part is over now... After the holidays (we have now a one week holiday) I´ll have to do
ALL OF THE TESTS and will be getting graded as a normal german student... yay
After school we went with Lena, Luisa and Selina to Antonias to film our art project. We have to make a little ´´trailer´´ about a specific topic, and we picked illness/sickness. Basically each of us has an ´´illness´´ (such as bolimia, cutting, alcohol&drugs, aggression etc) and we created like an imaginary support group (I think) and it´s kind of a ´´story´´ of how each of us gets better and in the end we´re all happy again :D:D
Yesterday we were in Erfurt and had an ice skating-meeting-thing with YFU. There wasn´t a lot us, but I finally saw Antonella again (we were in the same OWO) !! It was really nice to catch up with her after all these months, and finally talk with an ´´old friend´´ :):):) The skating part wasn´t also that bad... :D:D
* a lot of pictures of me posing with snow * aka we were today morning at grannys, AND IT´S LIKE A DREAMLAND UP THERE !! It was kind of nice to see huge amounts of snow again, kinda missed that...
Luca even got a cute new bed ! |
I don´t know from when this is, but it was so cute that I had to add it ! |
Once again I apologize for whatever mistakes I have, or the unlogical text, or whatever other minuses you guys´ll find here :D:D I´m not gonna lie but having a blog for your exchange year is actually really hard... I don´t know if any of you have noticed, but my motivation to write has been missing for a while now, and well an easy post like this usually take me about 2 hours or more :D:D:D Oh well... :)
VastaaPoistaDas ist soo cool alles wieder zu sehen was bei oma so ist mit schnee und vorallem LUKA! Ich vermiss sie so. wenn di das nächste mal dort bist kannst du sie knuddeln??? PALUN??? :D
Annamaria <3
Hihih ja mach ich gerne, für dich :*