My this years Christmas holidays were totally different from what I´m used to. Usually I would start off my holidays with nationals, then go to Finland for Christmas, have a swimming camp until 31. December and for new years be with my family in Estonia and then start off the year with trainings... Well this year there were no nationals, no Finland, and no bigger plans. Gladly I did have a family to celebrate with and amazing friends to spend time with :)) The worst part is, I managed to get ill on the first day/evening of my holidays, and spent the holidays with a cold, but it still didn´t stop me from enjoying my first Christmas in Germany :))))
To be honest, I was kind of in a minor shock the whole two weeks, and I didn´t really understand what was going on. I didn´t have any Christmas feeling, and it just felt like October or early November...On Christmas day I had a short Chritsmas mood while we gave out presents and then broke out a few tears after seeing what my hostparents got for me, IT WAS SO CUTE!
But here´s a little overview...........
22.12: I was at a Vegan cooking thing, which was organised by my classmates older sister, and there were a loooooot of people... At first I thought it would be like the cooking course things they show on the tv, but nope, it was totally different... We had like a particularly small kitchen, where some of us were cooking the food, and the rest were just there :D:D The food was actually pretty good, and the people there were really nice so the time went by reaallly fast! Some guy even tried to teach me to pronounce the ´rrrrr´ as a true german, and ohmygod it was so painful and horrible, like how tf do some people do that??? Well at least the others got a nice laugh... :D
Christmas: The Christmas traditions here aren´t really different compared to Estonias, so I didn´t really get any cultural shocks... Gladly. As I wrote before, my Christmas mood wasn´t really here for the right day, and I though about Christmas just as a cool Wednesday. The only difference is that here the celebration days are 24th 25th and 26th, but at home we usually just celebrated on the 24th and that was it... On 24th we celebrated only with our family, and then on 25th we drove to grannys and then there came some other family members and then we ate all together, and just talked about everything. ALSO ON THE 25th MY YOUNGER HOSTSISTER HAD HER 16th BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA!!!!! On the 26th we went to the cinema with Maxi to see the german movie ´Honig im Kopf´ and it was so sad, and funny... Like one minute the everyone were laughing and then the next crying...AND I even understood almost everything, so I was really proud of myself :)))))
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for the 26th I tried to do ´Kirju Koer´for my family... didn´t really turn out as planned.... :D:D:D |
28.12: For my birthday, Alisia and her parents decided to make a cute present/surprise for me, and at first they planned that a day before my birthday (28th) they would drive me to Dresden for a day tour. Buuut, Alisias stepdad hurt his neck(?) and couldn´t move, so instead on the 28th Alisia and her mom picked me up, and we drove to Leuchtenburg and had a nice day there instead :) After that we drove back to Alisias and her parents prepared us dinner (SPAGHETTI WITH SHRIMPS YUMMIIII) and then later in the evening they drove me back home.
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what Alina :D:D:D |
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found my dream birthday cake :3 |
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<3 |
BIRTHDAY: As I woke up in the morning, our kitchen table was decorated with my princess cake (!) presents and flowers. We ate the cake all together, and I got a looot of socks and the cutest pyjamas from my hostfamily! From Maxi I got a two week giftcard to Lady Camp (Ftiness studio) and the letters ´A´ and ´J´ that she made from loombands :3 I think that on my birthday I was homesick first time during those two weeks, and it kind of ruined my mood for the day... Also most of my plans got cancelled in the morning, and that made things a bit worse. I spent most of the day writing my friends and family in Estonia, and missing home.
In the evening I decided to meet Viktoria, andw e went to see the Sneak Preview in the cinema. Basically nobody knows what movie it is, and it´s a preview, so it´s not in the cinemas yet. We´ll this time it was ´Foxcatcher´ aka the most boring movie I´ve ever seen... It was a movie about a wrestler called Mark(?) (Channing Tatum) who wanted to win the Olympics, eventhough he already had an Olympic gold medal(?) and then he gathered a group of wrestlers and moved with them to an old guys house who wanted to train them. Like literally the whole movie was based on fighting and training and eating and flying... Some moments were a bit exciting, but mostly it was just boring, and the characters were all emotionless which made it even worse :s In the end came a total plottwist, but I´m not going to spoil anything, just in case any of you guys are planning to go see it... AND THE MOVIE IS BASED ON A TRUE STORY! Anyway maybe some of you might even like it, but I wouldn´t recommend it :D:D:D
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New Years Eve : Ones again some of my plans got cancelled on the last minute, but then gladly Franzi and Fabienne asked me what I´m doing for new years eve and then invited me to celebrate with them :)))) We met at Franziskas house (me, Julia and Fabienne) and then made ourselves ready, and then met the boys and climbed on one mountain/hill to watch the fireworks. Lets just get one thing clear : climbing a freaking steep hill, in the pitch dark, without any real paths (or at least any which weren´t cowered with ice), and with a group of weirdos isn´t really the best combination... I don´t even wanna know how long it took us to get on the top, and how many times we slipped and fell, but in the end we got there in time and there was even a cute little bench where we could sit (well 4 of us).
Then came 00.00 and as soon as the first fireworks exploded, I could only think about my friends and family at home, and about the year 2014, and I even cried for a little while, but mostly because I was really happy to be there. I mean a year ago today, I wouldn´t of ever imagined that the year 2014 would be so amazing and full of great ideas and forever lasting memories. I met so many people who I don´t ever want to forget, and I learned so much , and I´m definitely not the same person I was a year ago. :)))
Anyway, the fireworks weren´t so nice, we couldn´t see almost anything because the miniclouds from the fireworks and we could only see gray with little pieces of colour...... After we had called our friends and family and wished them all a happy new year, we started walking back home... Once again: not easy. I fell on my back and head more times that I could count, and I one time I fell on a rock with my knee and it still hurts :( The whole way back I was holding from Justus´s backbag and his hand so I wouldn´t fall down. A few times we managed to all fall together, since everyone was holding on from each other, and as soon as someone lost their balance, the whole group was down... Well we made it back home alive, and in the morning I realized that my pants were all muddy and had a hole on the side, and my shoe´s heel was missing a little thing :D:D
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I tried to take a pic from our chocolate fondue :D:D |
Anyways the new years eve was a blast, and I´m kind of excited about going back to school :))))))
I´m 105% sure I have mistaked in my text, and I´m way too lazy to go over it so I´ll just leave it like this.... :D:D:D
happy 2015 to you all, and I really hope you had just as an amazing 2014 as I did, and I wish you all the best of luck and love for 2015 :))))
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