perjantai 2. tammikuuta 2015

In 2015…

Since it's the start of the new year, I expect most of you have been thinking about changing your lifestyles and becoming a new person… well I'm no different. Every year I write myself a short letter describing my life at the moment, and my wishes and hopes for the upcoming year, and then put it in an envelope and not open it until the next new years eve. This year I decided to change my tradition, and instead, I wrote down all of my hopes and dreams for 2015 and took the time to analyze it and come to a conclusion and set a goal…

- I'm usually a person who really debends on other people, I tend to put my happiness in to other peoples hands, and then get disappointed in them.

- I'm really insecure, and I'm afraid others will get the wrong impression of me and jugde me. I'm really afraid of critisism, and I'm scared people will see the parts of me I'm trying to hide, and make their conclusion based on them.

- I tend to put myself first way too often, and forget about other peoples feelings. And I get really selfish when someone proves me wrong.

… those are all things that I want to change about my personality, or at least try. I also want to start making other people happy, and support others more. I want to start butting those who matter first, and start to show more respect and love towards those who care. I want to start enjoying my life just a bit more, and not worry about anything, and start living in the moment.

Maybe all of this is a part about being an exchange student, and learning about yourself and seeing the world in a different way, and seeking a change in your life. All I know is that I dont want to be the same 'Alina' I was a year ago, and I want to change my life for the better.

I'm really hoping my motivation will stay till the end of the year, and that this time I'll actually achieve my goals….. :D:D

I wish you all a happy 2015 and a peaceful Tuesday evening :):):) ♡

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