perjantai 24. lokakuuta 2014



Se last two weeks we had our firolid (06.-19.10), and the reason I hadn't written anything during that time was mostly just because I was too lazy, but I also wanted to write about those two weeks together.

I had won a free week to a lady camp, and the first week I mostly spent there with my sister. Like the name reveals, the gym was ment for only women/girls/ladies, and the whole fitness studio kind of looked like a hotell, not like a normal gym, and there were like small waterfalls in the corners, candels in the bathrooms, and after you were finished with a maschine, you had to wipe it with disinfection liquid, so everything would stay clean. During the seven day trial, we tried out almost every course they had, and well mostly we were the youngest ones there.

On Thursday of the first week (09.10), we went shopping with Maxi to Erfurt, and also on that same day I had been exactly 2 months with my hostfamily(!!!) so it was a special day for all of us! :)) And I finally bought a winter jacket, since this genious didn't really think it'd get this cold in October, so until then I had to freeze with the jackets I had with (and of course just when I bought it, the weather started turning better and the next week the temperature was almost 20°C -.- ).

During the holidays I also got together with some friends, and we went a bit sightseeing with my hostfamily also :))) I'm being a really lazy blogger right now, so I think I'll leave it be and let you enjoy some pictures from my weeks.

I reallly apologize about my messy text, and that it takes me always so long to write a new blog entry, but I really hope you guys don't mind. :)))

tschüß :*

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