tiistai 4. marraskuuta 2014



 I just realized, that I haven´t written anything about last week, nor the week before that (except Alisias birhtday). And since I can´t really remember anything, so I´ll just leave it up to the pictures :):)

  On 25.10 we were supposed to have a wandertag (hikingday?) in somewhere near Hartz with other exchange students buuuuuuuut.... Franks car broke half way there, so a repair car picked us up from the middle of nowhere, and took us back to Weimar -where we decided to have our own wandertag instead. We had a really nice day with Maxi (my sister), Azka (other exchange student in Rudolstadt), Frank (my support person from YFU) and his gilrfriend. We learned A LOT of the history, and heard some interesting facts about the historical buildings and statues. That city sure has a lot to tell... AND in a library (which was of course, also historical) had been a fire some years ago, and the books which survived were sent for reparation to different cities of the world AND TARTU WAS ONE OF THEM !!!!

   About a week ago (?), late in the evening, a car exploded in the parking place of the houses here, and it kept burning for like almost an hour!! We had live view from our balcony, and it was really exciting, and I´m not even sorry for spamming everybody with snaps... It doesn´t really happen everyday now does it... Anyhow, the whole action was pretty cool, and in the morning there was so much foam left, that for a second we though that it has snown... Oh, a nice fact, the whole October was mega cold, and NOW it´s like so warm (especially for November). I´m really hoping we´ll have at least some snow here for winter, or for Christmas :):)

Overall I´m doing good, still learning german, enjoying life, and getting fat.
  I really hope to get back my motivation to write with a bigger enthusiasm, but until that, youl´ll just have to deal with it :))

Tschüss :)

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