So it's been like 2 weeks since I last wrote anything here, and the only reason is that I was lazy didn't really have any motivation… And I really regret postponing my blogging because now I have so much to write and tell about.
23.-30 Nov was a really stressfree week from school, no tests (at least for me) and almost no homework (=paradise). On Tuesday (25th) was my sweet little sisters Emilys 4th birthday (!!) I miss her sosososo much, and just can't wait for Summer so I can see her little face again :(. Also on Tuesday the first lesson wad cancelled aaand I was the only dummy who didn't know about it woop ( -.- ),and then second lesson was supposed to be math but instead we had english and we also had a mini concert thing during the 3rd and 4th lessons, so law(something) and history were also cancelled :33. On Wednesday (26th) was Friedas birthday, and she brought cake to practice AND THE CAKE WAS SOOOMEGA GOOOD! :3 On Thursday (27th) was my classmate Alinas birthday, and on Friday (28th) was my support-persons birthday. Also on Friday Oliver celebrated his 18th birthday, and the party was amazing :3. I'm slowly falling in love in the way germans celebrate and have partys, it's just so much more exciting and friendly than in Estonia :D. From Friday to Saturday (28-29) I slept by Lauras, and on Saturday morning at 9.30 my hostfamily picked me up and we drew to Thüringen Park in Erfurt for a little christmas shopping. Also Laura has two of some mini-dragon-type animals right next to her bed, and it took a bit of time to get used to sleeping next to mini terrors. :D On Sunday (30th) we drove to Omas and Opas to spend our first advent there and ate a lot of chirstmas cookies and just talked :))
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birthday boy :) |
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look at those monsters |
01.-07. Dets : on Monday (1st) we had a schoolfree day, and we spent the morning with Maxi in Saalfeld doing some more christmas shopping, and also visited the christmas market there. It was actually pretty quiet there, and it was realyreally small compared to what I'm used to, but it was anyway nice :)) Wednesday (3rd) was propably the worst day I've had here so far… I don't really know what happened but I started crying like a baby in school, and every time someone asked me what was rong, I started crying again… The worst part was that I had to write 2 tests that day and yeah :D Our ethics teacher was actually really understanding and said I could go out of class and come back when I'd be feeling better, and later gave me some cute candy things to cheer me up. At home Maxi also reminded me about the emotional ups and downs during ones exchange and talking with her made me feel so muh better! One thing that exchange students learn on their year abroad is to talk about their feelings and learn to open up to people and let them help you heal your scars, and I´m starting to understand why. The next day our ethics teacher asked me what was wrong and well I explained everything, and turns out she was in Russia also a year as an exchange student(?) and she was so understanding and talked about her experiences, and it made me feel much better :))))))
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<3<3<3<3<3<3 |
Yesterday was Getting Tough the Race (and Nikolaus day) and since I was a volunteer there, I had to wake up at 6AM and be there at 7.30AM!! Well my hostdad took me and Viktoria there and then we all just sat in the tent for the next 2 hours just doing nothing… Well after some painful hours it was time for all of the racers to march together to the starting line, and we marched with. As soon as the race began we had to go to our "workplace" which was at the finish line with the medals and blanket thingies. It took us like almost 2 hours to finally finish with them and then there already came the first racer and then the second and then the third and etc…. Basically then there kept on coming over 2000 participants nonstop for the next 3-4 hours... After the race we went to Alisias place, tried to sleep for a bit, made ourselves ready, and then headed to the afterparty. There we got to know Luigi(the guy who won the GT) and Mario ! We just went to congratulate Hagen for winning, and then we basically stayed talking with them, and then we spent the whole evening with them. The afterparty was really cool, it wasn't like a normal party, but it was more like a show, and there was always something going on on the stage. After the party we walked with Alisia back to her house, and it took us over on hour… :) Today I´ve been just eating, doing my homework and cleaning -typical Sunday.
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Annika´s gonna hate me omg :D:D |
So that's how the past two weeks have been for me, I really hope it didn't get too boring or complicated at some points, because I really tried to not sound as boring as I am atm :D:D
Also I was thinking about making the next post kind of a Q&A post, so I am giving you, dear readers, free hands on asking me whatever you want in any language you want (as long as I understand it :))) and I want you to ask whatever you want, but of course I will only post answers to appropiate questions :) you can ask me in ask.fm/alinakjhgfdsa or you can comment under this post, or you can write me in facebook :)) I really hope you'll come up with some interesting and spontaneous questions so my blog wouldn't keep going downhill with the same lame text routine :D
Bis dann, Tschüss ! 💖
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