Before getting in to my usual writing ritual, I just want to thank everyone who pays attention to my little scrappy blog, and take the effort to understand my thoughts in writing. I don´t know if it´s just that germans are so nice or something, but some people from my school have complimented my blog, and that´s reallyreally sweet and heart warming! I don´t know how many of you readers actually enjoy my blog, but the ones who do, thank you so much! :):):)
About two weeks ago, me and my hostsister went to a charity concert in Schloss Heidegsburg. Alisia invited us, and endowed us the ,,cards´´ -that was reallyreally nice from her and her family, since one card costed 25euros(!). The concert was put together by Rudolstads Rotary Club, and Alisias mother is a ,,member´´ there, so it was pretty cool meeting her parents and being like ,,hi I´m an exchange student´´. There was also a looooot of food served at the end -actually only four types of pies- and we placed ourselves right next to the buffey, so you can imagine whos attention was only on the food... Overall, the music was good, the food was good, and of course the company was good.
On that weeks sunday, we made these potato-ball-things called Thüringen Klöße, and eventhough I tried to follow the process, I have no idea how to make them and therefore can´t give any overview on what we did... I can tell you that in the end we had kind of mashed potatoes -from raw potatoes- and rolled balls from them and put them in tho boiling(?) water. For me, they are a bit slimy, but they do taste pretty good!
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there´s not really anything else to do during a group project in arts,,, |
Last week, I started rhytmic gymnastics at our local club. To be honest, I had no idea what I got myself in to... Gymnastics may seem like an easy hobby, but it actually demands much more work than you´d think! Every little move has to be perfectly perfect, and every joint has to be in their own places -my explanations don´t really make sense, sorry. BUT I really liked it, and apparently I have pretty feet for gymnastics -perks of doing balley as a kid. I´m really motivated to learn new things there, and at first practice I tried to stretch as far as I can (and more), so the next morning I couldn´t walk good and the whole week my muscles had this really weird pain in them. Next practice I tried to be a bit more careful, but overall my pain was all worth it, since on friday my splits looked much better already! We have only 3 times a week practice, and it fits my schedule perfectly! I have enough time to do different activities with my family, and also concentrate on learning german.
The best part about starting gymnastics, is that there are 3 girls from my school, and two of them speak russian (they´re siters) and the younger one goes to 11th grade (!!!). The next day during the bigger break, I joined their company, and there are so many russian speaking girls in the 11th grade! Like wow! It felt really good to get some friends of my own age, and to be able to speak in russian with them, just perfect. :)
Last weekend we had a YFU-meeting in Erfurt, and we went there a bit earlier to have a little city tour. We ate bratwurst and there was this some AOK thing, and I don´t really know what it was about, but I spinned that thing (last picture) and won a lunchbox (yay), also I got to make two pictures in that chairthing -originally I shoul´ve taken one but the photographer didn´t like the printed version so we made a new one.
The meeting was ment for YFU exchange students here in Thüringen, and it was so much more serious than I had initially expected it to be... They divided us in to three groups -exchange stundets, siblings and parents- and the whole point was to go through our first month in Germany, and discuss our problems, plans and etc. Gladly, my first month was really good, and there was nothing to complain about, but there were some students whose wasn´t... Overall I heard a lot of a bit shocking things, and even got some new information. And just like in any other YFU meeting, there was A LOT of food -apparently every family had to bring something, but guess who were the only ones who didn´t know about it. Oh, and I think I forgot to mention, that in Thüringen there are 3 girls from China, 3 boys from Thailand, a girl from Japan, a boy from Indonesia, a girl from USA, a girl from Chile and 2 girls from Australia, and me. Also, one of the coordinators was last year in Finland, and she speaks fluent finnish!
Also, my ,,support person´´ visited us last week, and he seems reallyreally nice! I didn´t get to know him that well yet, but he seems calm and laid-back, so that´s really good -if I´ll have a problem, I wouldn´t want my support person to panic together with me.
This week only monday was a normal school day, and the rest of the week we have some ,,special plans´´. Today we had a sportsday, and ohmy it´s different from what we used to have in Estonia... The first half of the day was okay, but in the end we had a getting tough competitionthingie -it´s the thing where you have to go all military training style, and climb over walls and stuff- and Í kind of expected it to be horrible but in the end, it wasn´t that bad. Okay, yeah we were last, but hey, atleast we finished it!
Now some negative things to make my blog a bit gray : I´m having some minor problems at school right now, and I think I have to make an overdo with my plans. Since I´m getting graded this year, the teachers are expecting a lot from me, and most don´t get it yet that I DO NOT SPEAK FLUENT GERMAN. I´ve had two tests so far, and lets just say, that they went as bad as they could have went... I spoke with my form teacher, and we came to a conclusion that maybe it´d be better for me, if the teachers would start grading me only when my german will be good enough. Also instead of french -since the whole class has clearly studied it much longer than I- I´m going to propably join some smaller kids german classes, just to help me boost up my german a bit. But, the teacher promised to find out what options I have, so lets see what´s gonna happen...
I apologize for the quality of the pictures, and that I´m not a really skilled photographer. :)) I hope you enjoyed this one, even though it was a bit too long -next time I´ll try to make it a shorter.
Aber, Tschüß. Bis nexte Woche! :)
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