This schoolweek was preeetty laid-back and easy, since we had the schulfest woche(?) thing. Our school turned 350 years old, and in honor of that we had different programmes for every day. I already wrote something in my previous post, but I just thought I´d make a new one devodet just for that. :):) And I apologize for not having a lot of pictures, I´ll promise to be a bit more productive next time :)
Monday: we had a normal schoolday, and it went by just like every monday before -> Eat-School-Eat-Practice-Eat-Sleep...
Tuesday: we had our sportsday, and we played volleyball, had the 30min sponsor-running-thing (in which I sponsored myself, woop) and had the Getting Tough competition (= pure hell). It was pretty horrible since in the morning it was SO COLD and just to make things worse, I have all of my winter clothes in Estonia, so I had to take what I could, and freeze my ass-toes-fingers-stomach and everything off. :(( Oh, and just going to point out once again, our class lost the volleyball game AND the Getting Though thing, but it doesn´t really matter, at least we tried :D
Wednesday: we went to TITK with our class and some other 10th graders, and I´m not pretty sure, but I think it had something to do with fabrics and things like that... To be honest it was a bit boring (actually really boring), and I didn´t understand even half of what we went through (typical Alina), so I just put on a smart face and tried to be normal.
Thursday: in the morning we went to the police office with our class, and I actually found it really interesting, and I understood most of the whole ,,tour´´!(!!!) We got to sit in the cells, and they showed us different computers and electronic things they had (I didn´t really follow there...), and at the end we watched a video about some police stuff in Thüringen (??) and then the officers did an overview about some drugs etc.
After the station, we had about 1.5h of free time, so of course we rushed to the grocery store (don´t judge us) and then went to Helens house, and just sat and talked and laughed. Aferwards we had some kind of a historical presentation in some big historical house (I suppose). Once again I´m not pretty sure, but it had something to do with the USA and yeah, some other things that were related to that... :D:D

(with Helen) we made a cute surprise for Antonia, just because we love her :*
Friday: we watched a movie, that was made in our school in 1997 and it had something to do with the students and their dreams(?) etc. Afterwards we went to Schloss Heidegsburg, and had some minitour there, about how some of the people influenced our school (??). I can´t really tell anything interesting about that, since, surprisesurprise, once again Alina didn´t understand almost aaanything. But I can tell you one thing, the lady looked like one of the characters in ,,ScoobyDoo in Mexico´´!! Our day was reaally short, and we ended already a bit before 11.
We had planned to meet with Alisia at 13-14, so I quickly came home, packed my things, ate a bit, and head back. We did our make-up and hair together (+ate duh), and at around 18.30 her mom drove us to school for our schoolball.
Schoolballs in Germany are so much more cooler than in Estonia! It was more like a disco, and not even close to the boring ,,all-fancy-tradition´´ we had back at home. Overall I had so much fun, and got a looooot of new friends, and yeah, we had fun :D The walk back home with Alisia was pure pain, ´cause there´s this really long and a steep hill, basically the whole way until her house. Gladly we had our sneakers with us, and we even got to make a little catwalk in the middle of the street, just for ourselves.
Saturday: our school had the day of the open doors, and every class had different ,,projects´´ for the visitors. Our class was all about the food, and when we didn´t have our 30min working shifts, we got to walk around and explore our school. I even got a cute pink braid from one of the 12 graders workshop-thing.
I know this one turned out to be boring and full of mistakes, but I´m not really in the mood to be creative with anything that´s connected to literature, so you´ll just have to settle with it. :)) I actually have already planned out what I´m going to write about next week, so maybe then I´ll try a bit harder. :D aber bis dann :*
Tschüß ! xoxo
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